Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Drying Coffee With Coffee Husk Gasification



Coffe tree

As grain converts into rice that produced 20 to 24% rice husks, the coffee is also produced 78 to 80% coffee husk instead produce base coffee for drinks. The coffee husk is dry and contains 20 to 22 % coffee husk waste. The calorific value of the coffee husk waste is range 3800 to 4000 kcal per kg means that 2 to 3 kg of coffee husks contain energy equivalent to a liter of kerosene. While to dry or produce 1 ton of coffee market required an average 250 liters of kerosene for the drying process.


Kerosene burner with consumes 20 to 25 liters of kerosene per hour to 3.5 tons of coffee drying dry hs must be on 18 to 20 hours.


Test gasifier with coffee husks as the efficiency and impact on the improvement of environmental quality, CO2 emissions of CO2 neutral.


Gasifier model 70 x 70 cm square in size with a height of 2 meters installed as a test in the coffee plantation unit Malang Sari Banyuwangi, Indonesia.


It is still produced charcoal byproducts for bio-fertilizer with organic C and nutrients over 20% as well as other nutrients.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    This is some thing very interesting...! Could you please give details?

