Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Coal Gasification Process


The process of coal gasification is a process that converts coal from a solid fuel into gaseous fuel. The unwanted material such as sulfur compounds and ash is removed from the gas by using a specific method that can produce clean gas and can be streamed as an energy source.

As known, when the fuel burned, chemical energy is released in the form of heat. Combustion occurs when the oxygen contained in air reacts with the carbon and hydrogen contained in coal and produces CO2 and water and heat energy. Under normal conditions, with proper air supply will convert all the chemical energy into heat energy.

If the air supply is reduced, the chemical energy released from coal will be reduced, and the compound of new gas will be formed from the half -combustion process. Compounds formed gas comprises H2, CO, and CH4 (methane), which still has the potential chemical energy that has not been released. In the form of gas, the potential energy will be more easily transferred and used for energy source in other processes, such as burning in boilers, diesel engines, gas turbine, or processed to become other synthetic materials (raw material to replace natural gas). The gas from coal gasification is also called syngas (synthetic gas). With advanced process, syngas can be processed into a liquid. This process is called coal liquefaction (coal liquefaction). His method is diverse, including Fischer-Tropch, Bergius, and Scroeder.

To be able to produce gas from coal with a maximum, the supply of oxygen must be controlled. Below are some schemes gasifiers, for simple types. Details of the workings, advantages and disadvantages of each type will be further discussed later. (sumber : beritaenergy.wordpress)

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