Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Coal Gasification as Energy Future


Coal gasification technology developed by the Center for Mineral and Coal Technology (tekMIRA) on Coal Utilization Technology Center, Palimanan West Java, applied to dual-fuel diesel power generation.

Coal gasification is the process of converting coal into gas products that can be used for fuel, as well as industrial raw materials chemistry. Gasification unit consists of the reactor, the cooling gas (scrubber), catcher tar (tar electrostatic precipitator) gas cleaning (washing tower), the separator vapor (fog drop), blowers and pool shelters tar (tar pond).

With the application of this technology, besides the dependence on fuel could be reduced, and will indirectly reduce the burden of subsidies, due to high world oil prices, also will increase the added value of coal, increase foreign exchange earnings and employment opportunities.


ndonesia's coal reserves estimated at 91 billion tones, with production levels ranging from 200-300 million tones per year, then the life of the mine will be able to reach 100 years, it is quite safe for the sustainability of industrial coal users, while also more economical.
One success story of making fuel from coal gasification process is the South African Coal Oil and Gas Corporation, known as South Africa's Sasol, which is currently producing synthetic gas by 55 million Nm3/hari using penggas Lurgi, and produce synthetic oil as much as 150 thousand barrels per day through the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis.

Currently, Sasol employs 170 thousand employees, either directly or indirectly, which represents 2% of formal sector employment in South Africa. In addition, Sasol also contributed 4% of GDP or about U.S. $ 7 billion, as well as supplying 40% of domestic fuel needs of South Africa (28% of coal)


1 comment:

  1. Coal gasification technology developed by the Center for Mineral and Coal Technology (tekMIRA) on Coal Utilization Technology Center, Palimanan West Java, applied to dual-fuel diesel power generation. heating for your home
